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Math Tutors Meme

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OH WOW! I really really am enjoying [design] WEEK of DS106!! … ALREADY! haha

After completing Today’s DailyCreate, I was inspired to get a little more work done here in the first part of the week.. Check it out… A MATH TUTOR MEME!! :D Oh my goodness this [design] assignment was super fun AND super easy! And this What People Think I Do counts for 1/15 stars for my [design] week criteria!

Because I had such an easy time with this [design] assignment, I thought I’d turn this post into a tutorial for DS106 credit also! (:

[design] assignment. First you start off by going to this website. You then proceed by choosing a topic/title. I chose to do Math tutors because well I am one :P haha BUT honestly the crazier the topic the FUNNIER the Meme! I then picked what  “phrases”  I wanted to incorporate. I chose the following: what society thinks I do, what my professors think I do, what my parents think I do, what my friends think I do, what i think I do, and what I actually do. Then came time to collect photos from my computer and friends photos to match up clever images to each one of the sayings. The masterpiece comes out when you push generate image at the bottom! and TA DA! You have your beautiful DS106 [design] assignment. (As shown below)

Math Tutors Meme! (:

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