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Weekly summary….week 6!

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This weeks topic was design.  Through out the week we had to do atleast 4 daily creates, the majority of my daily creates required a simple upload of a picture to flickr and a slight use of creativity, but the one I found most challenging was the dailcreate where I had to revamp one of my favorite songs to sound completely abnormal.  The blog for the daily creates along with each image or soundclip used this week are embeded is linked below:

The main project for this week was a design safari which incorporated us carrying around our cameras to catch photos of things expressing major design elements.  At first I started just taking pictures of everything in hopes I would come across what I needed, it worked well but through out the week I also focused on finding a few key elements which included color, typography, balance and unity.  In the Design Safari blog, linked below, there is a short description of each of the four major design elements I chose, along with the image I thought best represented it.

The other major project that we had to complete this week was to do 15 stars of design assignments.  It was pretty difficult choosing which assignments I wanted to do, along with it was time consuming, but not too time consuming.  Below is a list of the names of the design assignments I did along with the amount of stars they were worth and the link to each of their blog posts.

That’s Pinteresting: “Pinterestinggg” (2 stars)

Word: “Typography worddd” (2 stars) 

Letters in Your Surroundings: What lies behind…no wait on the door!” (3 stars) 

Ds106 Radio: “Radio show poster!” (2 stars) 

The Little Caption: “Napping….always better with a buddy.” (2 stars) 

What is culture for you?: “Culture is everywhere” (2 stars) 

Carol Yeager’s Iconic you: “Iconic ashley..” (2 stars) 

 The last thing I posted about is how the radio show is going.  It has been somewhat challenging because we are not getting any participation from one of our members and limited from another. Besides these set backs we have been working great together as a group and have come up with how we want to portray ourselves over the radio and what each person is going to contribute to the show.  We plan to meet sometime this week to get everything together. It was also cool to have one of the design assignments relate back to the radio show.  The link for the blog about the progress of the radio show is below: 


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