Avast, ye Daily Creates be ready!
These small assignments had my Mom giving me stranger looks this week, as I snapped pictures of soup cans and toilets
while calling them homework assignments. One assignment asked me to take a picture of soup, so I gathered some of the soup cans on my vessel and snapped a picture. The picture of a toilet is because I was asked to take a picture of the first thing I do in the morning, and I had to be honest.
Another assignment asked me to take a picture of someone or something I care a lot about, and so I found a picture of my grandparents who are my favorite people ever.
One assignment I chose to do was to take an interesting picture of a wall or fence. The sun was setting, and I have an old fence in my back yard, so I positioned the picture to capture the sunset and the fence, which also gave me the woods across the street which abstractly is like a wall to the sunset.
Next, I had to do a homework assignment I actually created. I submitted an assignment idea that asked the class to create a drawing of a human emotion with their non-dominant hand, calling it a non-dominant emotion. When I did this assignment, I imagined the “drama masks” that smile and frown, and I tried my best to draw them with my left hand.
Finally, I was asked to draw a picture using only the shapes of 1, 0, and 6. I had a lot of fun with this assignment. I wasn’t trying to make my 106 Guy perfect, but just interesting.
That’s all for my Daily Creates these two weeks. Cap’n out!
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