Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

Weekly Summary

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Everyone’s radio show turned out pretty cool. It’s awesome to scroll down the page and see all the different themes.

I listened, again, to ours this week with a critics ear. I realized a couple week points but also enjoyed see how well we glued everything together. Actually, I did the same thing for The Despicables group show.

Radio Shows  – check out my review.

My favorite assignment this week was actually the hardest assignment this week. [which doesn’t usually happen] I had a lot of fun recreating a web page. What i thought was going to be a very difficult and stressful project ended up being enjoyable!! That’s always great!

I go into more detail and share a link to the page I created on my Hacking Away post.

Flashback Social Media and Map Story are two other web assignments I completed this week. Each one was a little different. I’ve never really thought about using websites as art. And, never thought about using them to tell a story [unless it was like a blog where you write a story}. Flashback was fun but tedious. I decided to create a social network for our good old friend Clark. Like Lewis and Clark….But only Clark haha. Making a story from a map quest screen shot was interesting. It was a flashback to summer and now I’m missing the beach!

DAily Create where a little different this week. I actually used them to tell a story. The post shows the story and tells how I link each of them together. But, If you’d rather guess for yourself you can click each picture and follow the links to put the story together. That might not make sense so let me explain. Starting with the first daily create, they each link to one another. Some have a link to the next daily create in the description and some in a post. Check it out!


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