I have the power to solve many problems. The Ancient Egyptians had a large expendable work force to solve problems with pyramids. I wonder how long the Ancient Egyptians would have spent attempting to solve this Rubics Cube Pyramid. Personally, it only took me approximately 25 minutes to complete, but maybe it’s comparing apples to oranges, because I seriously doubt that Ancient Egyptians were not able to make Rubics Cube Pyramids as sophisticated as mine. Theirs would probably be made of rocks like these that I found in my backyard.
I forget about how much I take for granted as far as the power to do things. The Ancient Egyptians never had pyramid shaped Rubics Cubes, nice rocks like the ones I have in my back yard, or cars like my Mustang that I’m really proud to own. I seriously doubt they had a Mustang like this.
Daily Creates
Posted by capnmarkish
October 29, 2012
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