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The Two Possible Video Assignments

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I am already nervous and we haven’t even gotten to the nitty-gritty yet!

I really want to do the lip-synch and the audio redub.

For the lip synch-

I chose the song Way Over Yonder by Carole King. I love this song and it gives me so much hope every time I hear it. I have reviewed the lyrics (found them here) and have practiced them in the shower. The problem? making sure I look like I sound at least somewhat decent. Google chrome could not link to any examples from this page for whatever reason (I was having that problem with a lot of the examples.) I’m planning on having my music play from my iPod and recording it with my webcam (a’la Nicole337).

For the Redub:

I want to take the scene in Remember the Titans where Denzel is lecturing them in the cafeteria about being mean and change it into something about a rant on food. I started to write it about the lunch ladies, but that was too weird, so I think I’m going to make it about food and have him be incredulous about the boys not eating certain foods. I will probably have to clip it myself from the disk, which makes me really nervous. Once I put it into MPEG streamclip, I should be ok. The audio overlay has me worried too. I looked at cogdog’s example, which made me feel slightly more capable, although I’m not sure my voice is right for coming through Denzel’s. We shall see. Also, Norm did one, where he didn’t do a redub but just edited it in a different way. The music he chose is so good (I’ve never seen that movie but from what I can tell, he did a great job editing/smashing it together). I feel like what is embodied in the music is what helps set the mood too.


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