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Tutorial of Warhol Something.

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First begin by opening up a photo-editor website such as or
Tutorial 1
Press “Edit a photo” and upload the photo you would like to transfer into a Warhol image.
Tutorial 2
Once your picture is uploaded click on the chemistry bottle (the second symbol from the top on the left) and scroll down to the paintbox section where you will find the Warhol selection.
Screen shot 2012-11-26 at 7.14.30 PM
Click on the Warhol link and watch your picture turn into a new creation!
You can adjust the brightness, contrast and fade to your liking, along with picking the first and second colors to play in contrast with each other.
2nd Tutorial 2
Once you like the picture press apply and that will save the edits you just performed. Then you can go to the top of the page and press save, where it will give you a save button on the bottom left and you have to name the photo.

Screen shot 2012-11-26 at 7.30.06 PM
Once you have saved the picture to your computer you can then go to and upload it by pressing the upload button.
Tutorial 8

Tutorial 9
Once you upload your picture you can tag it with the necessary tags: VisualAssignments and VisualAssignments560.
2nd Tutorial 4
Once uploaded your creation is now capable of being shared on the web!!!

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