The assignment Recycle that MediaĀ involves taking at least 7 different previously unused works from other ds106ers and create it into a whole new story out of it! I first went through all of the 153 items to see what was available to use. My first thought was “what the????”. I had no idea how to even start to pick random items and mesh them together. I then came across a cat file. Of course, since it involved animals I just saved it to my desktop. I then saw a few other nature like pictures and thought maybe I could do a story of how a cat travels everyday. Having 3 cats of my own I know they do not stay close to home if they are allowed outdoors. I also found a bird audio that worked perfectly with my outdoor story. I then found a picture of a dog and decided to include that too.
I made a bit of an adjustment on the audio. I didn’t really like just the birds playing throughout the whole story so in the end I added a dog barking (had to adjust the pitch for the smaller dog) and a cat hissing. I had these files left over from when I did the 5 sound story.
Other than a minor adjustment in the audio, the rest was a breeze. I wanted an interesting title clip so I used a weird transition for the title words. I didn’t want any other captions besides the title slide and a bit of an introduction to Sadie the cat. I feel cats prefer silence on their daily adventures anyways (hint the hissing when a dogĀ interrupts the bird noises).
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