Recycle the media is an assignment in which we had to select at least 7 pieces of media from . This site contained the work that UMW students recycled this semester. Now I have to say that when I was browsing the media the pieces that I contributed caught my eye and I wanted to use them after all it was my work. I looked through and immediately saved the items that stood out both audio and images. I decided to tell a tale about a girl getting her nails done and putting on a pair of her many heels that she has thinking that she is going on a romantic date but is surprised that she has to walk long distances, bike ride, and even bull ride all while wearing the worst shoes possible. I added music to it because I have to admit it makes the story a lot easier to look at.
I was able to create this story using Windows Movie Maker. I added all the videos in the sequence that I wanted them to show in and lastly I added the music so that if fit the video and played the entire time that the story was playing out. It was a simple step and converting it to be able to be played was a lot easier than saving the other mashup assignment. This was a fun assignment and I enjoyed doing this it kind of reminded me of doing the daily creates which you already know that I love and miss doing.
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