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Recycled Story

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I really liked doing this assignment! It wasn’t that hard to complete but it was so much fun thinking of a story to create!

To start out, I just kind of browsed through all of the pictures and the media to try and get a feel for what I had to work with. I saw a picture of a dad and his daughter by the river and that’s what jumpstarted my idea for this story! It was recently my dad’s birthday and since I couldn’t be home to celebrate with him, I wanted to make something and dedicate it to him!

So this is the story:

One day, my dad and I decide to go to the river by our house. We walk through our neighborhood with all of the colorful fall trees and get to the river and it’s a very beautiful, peaceful day as we sit by the river. It was a great day because my dad was wearing his Redskins hat (he’s a fan) and was gonna let us paint our nails together! Couldn’t believe he was gonna let me paint his nails! LOL. And so, naturally, I brought all of my nail polish with us. And they looked so pretty all painted and polished! When all of a sudden, a cat walks by us! And my dad is allergic to cats, so he sneezes! But all is well and the day is still amazing because the cat walks away and doesn’t bother us much. Now here it is in video form, enjoy!:




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