Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92926 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
Final Project My final project was so much fun to make! I think what made it the most fun was that I was able to decide what I wanted to create, in all respects, so I got to choose to … Continue reading →
Here is my video of advice to future students and participants of Digital Storytelling, or affectionately known as ds106! Good luck to whoever endeavors in this class in the future! It’s an interesting class but definitely requires a lot of … Continue reading →
Here we begin our journey through Jason Mraz‘s most recent album, Love is a Four Letter Word, and follow him through his recent tour of Europe, ending in London, as he travels back across the pond to play at Madison … Continue reading →
Something Is Wrong Here Tutorial I wanted to create a tutorial for this assignment that I created so that future students will know how to create this assignment, quickly and easily. The first thing I did was to choose an … Continue reading →
Your Favorite Favorites The first assignment I created for this week was called Your Favorite Favorites. This was an audio assignment that I created that required you to choose a few of your favorite songs (however many you choose is … Continue reading →
For this week, we were asked to create two Daily Create ideas and submit them as suggestions. It was interesting to think of ideas for this component of DS106. Whenever I was completing Daily Creates throughout the semester, I always … Continue reading →
And then one student said that happiness is what happens when you go to bed on the hottest night of the summer, a night so hot that you can’t even wear a tee-shirt and you sleep on top of the sheets … Continue reading →
Remix This The first thing we were asked to do these weeks was the same as the first thing we are asked to do every week. We are to review and browse through resources of the form of media that … Continue reading →
I really liked doing this assignment! It wasn’t that hard to complete but it was so much fun thinking of a story to create! To start out, I just kind of browsed through all of the pictures and the media … Continue reading →
So I decided to do the Actor Transformation as one of my Mashup Assignments this week. I really liked the idea of showing the transformation of a famous actor through the years and through their works. When trying to think … Continue reading →
So for one of our assignments this week, we had to go to the remixer site for ds106 and click on the blender on that site. This used a past assignment and remixed it in a certain way. You could … Continue reading →
Remix Resources We were assigned to watch at least two videos detailing what remixing and mashing up is all about. None of them really interested me that much, or immediately caught my eye, until I saw the Disney video. It … Continue reading →
So I read over the entire assignment for the final project and I really liked the idea of combining all of the different elements we’ve been working on this semester to create this piece. I really really liked the example … Continue reading →
Video Assignments The first assignment I did these two weeks was Play by Play. I really enjoyed inserting my own commentary into a video that I watched. It was a cool experience to have my own input and to hear … Continue reading →
As soon as I saw this assignment, I knew I had to do it! It looked like something I would really enjoy doing and I was really surprised to see that 0 people had completed the assignment yet! So I … Continue reading →
This assignment took forever! The second video assignment I decided to do was Return to the Silent Era. This seemed like a really cool assignment because you had to take a trailer from a modern movie and make it antiquated … Continue reading →
The first video assignment I decided to complete this week (and outlined last week) was called Play by Play. This was one of the first video assignments that caught my eye last week in the list that gave us examples … Continue reading →
Video Editing Tools We had to write a blog post about the video editing tools we have available to us and also had to talk about the experience we had with these tools. Mine is pretty much zero… So we’ll … Continue reading →
Play by Play I plan on using the video of the infamous New Mexico soccer player yanking the Brigham-Young player’s hair so that she falls to the ground for this assignment! Here’s my commentary script: -”We’ve all heard about this … Continue reading →
Vewwyy Intawesting (in Bugs Bunny voice) Because this was a movie about professional football, the NFL tried to prevent any professional football players from taking part in it. However, Terrell Owens is taped scoring some touchdowns for the Miami franchise … Continue reading →
I chose the football speech given by Al Pacino scene in Any Given Sunday to analyze. The scene begins with slowly zooming in on the sign outside the locker room that says “POSITIVELY NO VISITORS.” This starts the story that nobody … Continue reading →
The video tools I have available are the Windows Movie Maker and MPEG StreamClip. At first I couldn’t think of any experience that I had with Movie Maker but then I remembered doing a project in 8th grade where we … Continue reading →
I knew one of the Daily Create assignments this week was to take a picture of the damage the Big Storm Sandy had done. So I hadn’t really seen any images of that in Fredericksburg because it didn’t really impact … Continue reading →
Radio Show Critiques This week, on Monday, my group listened to our radio show live on ds106radio. So, for this week, we had to critique ANOTHER group’s radio show, along with critiquing our own. This was interesting to look at … Continue reading →
The Despicables My show was Radio Roadtrip so I was assigned to critique The Despicables. This group was from the other class and their radio show was like an interview radio show where they had people call in and talk … Continue reading →
Once upon a time… There was a girl named Lauren who had many favorite things. She hates the cold, so her favorite part of shoes are her flipflops that she wears pretty much every day. She loves getting new, free … Continue reading →
Audio Brooo My first audio assignment was reading from my favorite Dr. Seuss book “Are You My Mother?” I really enjoyed doing this project! But it was hard to find the whole text of the book without having an actual … Continue reading →
I was just sitting at work looking through the Daily Creates trying to see which ones I could knock out while on duty on Friday night… and I found this one! I noticed that most people who had already submitted … Continue reading →
This audio assignment was really fun to do! We had to take a song and change it somehow so that it sounded like chipmunks were singing it. I love assignments that involve music so, once again, I just shuffled through … Continue reading →
This audio assignment immediately caught my attention in the assignment bank. I’ve always loved Dr. Seuss’s books and I thought reading one out would be a really fun thing to do! We had to read aloud one of our favorite … Continue reading →