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MOO(c) MOO(c) MOO(c)

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Stanford is doing it. Harvard is doing it. MIT is doing it. We better do it. Just keep mooing along.


Giulia got the GIF going this before me (and cleverly wrapped it into an Instagram-like GIF with dancing panda, speaking of herding behavior, look at the stampeded over to flickr). I knew when I saw this Cow & Cow & Cow & video that I had to GIF it or do something with it.

The video is worth it for the zany music and the metamoo-phasis of the cows (all rendered brillaintly in Adobe After Affects).

Just look at those Yes Cows. Everybody in agreement. This one was a bit tricky since the entire video had the cows panning. I ended up narrowing it to three frames, and using some pixel nudging to try and align the cows and then crop out the non-overlap. It’s not clean, but neither are cow pastures.

And given that I have GIFfed a cow in my mockubloggery on cows and cheese

dog and cow

(based on the funny wild dog and poor cow cartoon)

surely a ds106 assignment was needed in the bovine category. And Shirley it is, Moo Moo Says the GIF:

Everyone loves cows. Especially when they are animated as GIFs. They can be your garden variety Jersey milk cows, or the Massively Open Online kind. Just make them moooooooooooove.


Just to make it complete, I dabbled a bit from a single photo of a strange local sign I spotted when I was having my truck repaired. Pete’s Place is kind of a local landmark in nearby Star Valley. I cannot say I have ever been there, but you can imagine the clientele.


Yep, all those places wanting to be Harvard, Stanford, MIT… just keep your eyes on the dancing girls. Like the cow.

What are you waiting for? Moo it on over and make some GIF art, eh?

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