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I GIFly GIFfed a GIFfy 2012 GIF!

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Sure, the Oxford American Dictionary made the verb “to GIF” a word of the year, but they fell short– it should be noun, adjective, adverb, maybe even present past participle of the year, too.

Yes, it’s the peak of ds106 GIFfest.

And I did not even get close to sending out real holiday cards this year. So here is my GIFfy GIF greeting I GIFfed as a way to reflect on the travels an connections in 2012.

This monster GIF includes 100 photos I chose from my flickr stream, with special people and places from 2012 (and if somewhere I likely left you put, sorry!). And I count this for the ds106 GIffest GIFMas Card.

It actually works great as a repeating recycling of 2012. In perpetuity.

I managed to just about cover North America with people and places I got to see this year, and even this is just a smal snapshot of the year. Just paging through the archives (can you do this on those other shabby photo sharing sites?) was a neat way to scroll through time and distance.

It was pushing the limits of Photoshop to process the full sized GIF, and the colors are a bit off with the 128color palette (the source PSD is 23 Mb). It took a bit of hand processing to make them sequentially appear. I had fun doing it, which to me, is my own Starfleet Prime Directive.

As the year of 2012 rolls to a close, its last month full of numerical palindromes the world did not end in a Mayan prophecy (but our own crazed society gave it a good effort), let’s do it again!

A lucky year awaits. See you there.

LATERS: I got the silly idea to send a personal email note to the people in the photos here. I now have a list of 55 people to contact, some of them pictured 3,4,5 times, one special one 16 times!

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