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Hotsauce & The Pats Lose

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Upon reflection of my first week of “bootcamp”, this ds106 course is going to drastically change my level of interaction with the internet. I am normally not much of a social media user, however clearly that is quickly going to change. My first daily create was a bit sloppy, however I wanted to stay true to the guidelines of spending no more than a few minutes to create it. Clearly my voice is way too low, and the content is a bit ridiculous, but I literally picked up an object from my desk and began recording. One of the things I would like to get out of this course is an improvement of my improvisational skills. To do that, I am going to try to challenge myself by using little to no preparation time for the daily creates.

Secondly, my art and design skills are quite non-existent, which was evident when I struggled to make my blog homepage somewhat aesthetically pleasing. I decided to use am image combining the logos of my four favorite sports teams, and the current background was the result.

P.S. – The New England Patriots have just lost the AFC Championship game. As A Jets fan, this makes me extremely happy.

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