Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92710 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.


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For starters, I have officially created an email account for my blog. The address is [email protected] and it is set up to forward directly to my school account.

GIF Assignment

This week was very hectic and I was a bit pressed for time, so I took a few shortcuts along the way. Firstly, for my GIF I chose Steve Carrel as Brick in Anchorman yelling “Loud noises!”. I have created a few GIF’s previously using and had success with it in the past. I used it again for this assignment and am happy with the outcome, however I am aware it is not as admirable to use a resource such as gickr as it is to create one without the shortcut.

Loud Noises!
Loud Noises!
Daily Creates
The second shortcut that I am guilty of this week is using a photo taken a few weeks ago as my daily create. The assignment was to “Contre-jour it” . I was not aware of it at the time, however this picture is an good example of “contre-jour”. A few weeks ago that term meant nothing to me, however that was obviously pre-ds106 bootcamp. The photo was taken in Niagara Falls, Canada from a hotel window across from the falls.
The second daily create assignment I chose to participate in was to take a photo of the one thing you must see everyday. This was a no-brainer, as I cannot function without coffee in the morning. I am making an attempt to make photos of standard items look a bit more “artsy”, and the filters through flickr certainly help that, however that only goes so far. I hope that I can look back at these daily creates at the end of the semester and see a progression of creativity and art skills.
OhMyGott Landing Page
I finally installed wordpress and changed the settings on my homepage, is still lots of work to be done and hopefully by next week I will have some idea as to how exactly I am going to use my homepage.I’m not sure if I want the blog to be a completely separate entity or have it affiliated with my ds106 blog. Stay tuned. For now I used the 2011 theme and uploaded a photo I took in Sanibel, Florida over winter break.
Blog Customization & Weekly Summary
While there were many options to customize my blog, I wanted to keep the layout simple and not make it too overwhelming. I added the calendar widget to the sidebar, which will hopefully be helpful in the future to navigate through past blog posts. Other than that I essentially kept everything the same, except for installing the akismet plugin, which doesn’t do much to the layout.
Overall, these first two weeks of DS106 bootcamp have been far more exciting than the first two weeks of any other course I have taken previously. My morning routine has a new addition; checking the daily create. I need to start getting in the habit of documenting things throughout the week, as I can recall saying to myself “I should blog about this” a few times throughout the week but then forget by the time I am actually creating the post. I think in the future I will begin to blog more than once a week, whether it be through my homepage or ds106 page. I am excited to be finished with bootcamp, and am ready for what lies ahead!

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