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Photography Collage ***

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Instead of hitting the “randomly pick one” button while searching through the ds106 Assignment Bank for a Visual Assignment to complete (like I usually do), I searched through them via their titles.  I came across an interesting 3 star assignment called A-Z Photo Collage.  It’s exactly what it sounds like.  Make a photo collage with each image standing for a letter of the alphabet, surrounding a theme.  I didn’t worry about the theme, because I didn’t think I had enough photos to choose from one topic, but I ended up using all photos that I’ve taken throughout my life, so my theme is me!

To begin, I went through and chose all the photos I wanted to use and added them to a new folder.  Once I found all my photos, I opened Picasa, selected that folder, and hit “Create a Collage” under the Create tab.  Since there were 26 photos, I couldn’t do a grid because it wasn’t coming out to even rows and columns.  Instead, I chose a mosaic collage and rearranged the photos from A-Z.

Picasa Collage

I saved the collage and uploaded it to Flickr.  Enjoy!

Here is what I chose each photo to stand for:

A-Anemone                              N-Nurse

B-Baby                                       O-Otters

C-Chair                                      P-Pumpkin

D-Daffodil                                  Q-Quarterhorse

E-Elephant                               R-Rose

F-Field                                        S-Snake

G-Gerbil                                     T-Tiger

H-Horse                                     U-University

I-Icing                                         V-Vineyard

J-Jack-O-Lantern                   W-Wave

K-Kitten                                     X-Xmas

L-Leaves                                     Y-Yawn

M-Moon                                       Z-Zinnia

As always, I shared my new visual assignment with the ds106 community via Twitter.

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