All sorts of photography improvements this week!
This week I tried using my newly improved photography skills in two of my daily creates and in part of my photoblitz!
Here are the pictures I tried some new things with:
(All of my tips that I used came from TEN: Ten Ways to Improve Your Craft. None of Them Involve Buying Gear)
I “got pickier” with this one. I spent time finding the right way to make sure that the shine was captured in the image.
I ‘changed your perspective by changing mine’ in this one. I’m not really sure what the message you came away with because I don’t know how inspiring a picture of the bottom side of a table can be, but I was trying something new.
This is my FAVORITE photo of the semester so far. I really liked what I was able to do by ‘looking into the light’ and ‘exposing for aesthetics.’ I was going for a rustic look and played with the lighting to accomplish it. Probably not the best photography anyone’s ever seen, but I’m pretty proud of this one!
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