Review the suggestions for photography. Pick at least 3 to try in the context of doing other visual assignments this week or just for practice, and write a blog post showing the results. Add the one that you think helped you the most, and summarize in our shared Google doc How We Are Becoming better Photographers
Visual week has given me so much to carry with me, so I will be forever thankful for that! Especially on the How We Are Becoming better Photographers, especially the part where it doesn’t totally diminish me for having an iphone over an actual camera, although for something out of convenience, it does snap rather than photos. The following tips gave me a new way to be better at something I was never good at to begin with.
Number 1: You have to be picky to be perfect
What’s the fun in posting any and everything? That’s right, there isn’t. Being a photographer is a mindset, you have to photograph things that will not only capture your own attention but also those around! It’s almost essential to do this. Visual week has taught me to take my time with photos rather than rushing through it all, otherwise you’ll get a crappy photo and hate it. The perfect example is of my cousin’s dog, Sunny, and how I took the photo over and over again until I got my ideal results.
Number two: The rule of 3′s
Three is magical number. I know that sounds weird but it’s my lucky number and most things come in groups of three (three musketeers!). However, the rule of thirds taught me that sometimes a little unbalance and no exact center can sometimes cause a picture to be more beautiful than it would have been if there was one focus. I saw this as reasonable, that the extra space can further emphasize a photo. In the photo below, the extra background emphasizes my nephew’s ‘mysterious’ look, even though we were just trying to be silly.
Number three: Look into the light!
This one seemed most essential, after all, what is a photo without proper lighting or lack of? Good lighting can really effect a photo because while the moment could be perfect, without good lighting, it can be absolutely ruined. Lighting can also emphasize different parts of a photo while taking away from what you do/don’t want. This is what I enjoy, above all because just the perfect lighting can give you chills on a photo. That’s how I feel with this photo of my baby cousin, Natalia. The lighting shows every part of her face and shows you how new to the world she is but also the partial darkness shows how sensitive she is.
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