The visual assignments for the week were challenging because I was supposed to be improving my photography skills. The main issue here was that I have no camera (right now I’m operating with a mighty fine iPhone cam), but aside from that I also had very skills to improve upon in the first place. I’ve never taken any photography courses and I’ve barely experimented with it when I have had a camera in the past. I have definitely been enjoying the opportunity to learn and had some fun with the assignments I chose from the assignment bank, but you’ll see some of those in a moment.
I’m now in a radio show group with Karissa, Tiffany, Timothy, and Kyle, so stay tuned to hear when we’ll be hosting our show this semester!
The 20-minute photo blitz was kind of a blast. Spending twenty minutes taking as many assigned photos as possible was a fun way to think on my feet and be creative with my surroundings.
The visual assignments I completed for the week are as follows:
These were the absolute best things we’ve done this semester. I feel like I learned so many new skills and I had a ton of fun making these.
Speaking of new skills, I learned how to actually think about the pictures I’m taking this week! I put this into practice mostly with my daily creates, but you can read more about these new skillz I’ve acquired here.
This was probably the shortest weekly update I’ve written this semester so far, but I also linked you to all of the work I’ve done this week so I don’t feel too badly about it. Besides, I bet what you really came here for is your weekly coffee, dogs, and activism. Amirite?
And this week in activisty stuff:
VAWA Passed in the Senate!!! The only twenty-two votes against it came from Republican men, which is important because VAWA actually stands for the “Violence Against Women Act,” and sexism and violence against women are alive and well in the U.S.. Alive and well.
In response to the “sexism” link:
- False accusations of rape? On average, roughly 5% of all reported rapes are false, but more than half of rapes that occur are even reported at all.
- The articles I read online and in major papers the day after the ban was officially lifted, there were way more quotes than I can find today from male military service members saying that they “didn’t know how women think” and “don’t know how they act.” Women are people! Not some weird species. Please, please please please. Get the @#!$ with it!
- Check out the Invisible War on Netflix if you want more insight into sexism in the military.
In response to the link on violence against women:
- Women shouldn’t be afraid to leave their homes.
- Women shouldn’t be afraid to leave their homes.
- Women shouldn’t be afraid to leave their homes.
I’ll leave you with one last thing to ponder about how our country views women and violence against them: (TW: sexual violence)
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