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Visual Assignment: Valentine’s Day Caption Challenge & Tutorial

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For this week’s assignments one we were asked to do was a Valentine’s Day Caption Challenge. As I am sure none of you know Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday! Valentine-less or not it’s a day dedicated to love, chocolate, and pink, so who wouldn’t love it!

So for this assignment we were asked to take one of the pre-chosen valentines and recreate it with a cheesey caption!


1. So our first step it to go to the valentine bank and choose which ever valentine you think has the most potential!
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For me it was the card with superman and woman.

2. The second step is to choose which ever valentine and save it to your computer (be it through e-mail, on your desktop, whatever). I actually did this by taking a screenshot of the photo.

3. This step for me got a little complicated in that I do not have photoshop so I had to use the “Preview” app on my computer to crop the photo correctly. So if you have other apps or online tools power to you! But for those of you hopelessly stuck without this is how I cropped out the former saying and placed in a new one.

I opened my valentine that I downloaded from the valentine bank and again took a screen shot from the selected area of the valentine that did not include the previous cheesey phrase.

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Then I again saved this portion to my desktop.

4. With my newly cropped photo I then went to and dragged my newly cropped photo to the “Edit” box.

5. From here I went to the “P” tool on the side and typed in my very cheesey pick up line. You can absolutely take some creative license here and play around with fonts, sizes, and placement.


Make sure to click the “Add Text” button first!

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After this just save your photo and your done! For me this is how mine came out!!

Corny Pickup Complete

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