Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92866 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.


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The first time that the Fandom Princess had witnessed a Spectacle, she was 16 years old and her younger sister, Princess Courtney, was 12. The King and Queen had sent for their royal horse and carriage, and together as a family, they rode towards the theater in which the Spectacle was to take place. The Royal Family was dressed in their finest attire, and even Courtney’s ferret, Sapphire, was groomed to perfection as they joined the throng of people and creatures going to watch the show. The experience was unlike anything the Fandom Princess had ever imagined. After viewing the show, she learned to love Spectacles even more and the art and design behind all what they accomplished. 

As part of our many activities that we have to do this week, the ds106 blogging crew must complete 15 stars worth of Design Assignments! Woot woot! Let me just be the first to say, or maybe the 100th person to say, that I think this week is going to be just as much, if not more, fun than the visual week. This week kind of seems like we’ll be mixing the two together, which is nice!

Well, here is my first Design assignment to get us all started! I chose to do One Story/Four Icons as part as Visual Thinking and Symbols goes. In this assignment, we had to pick a movie or event and pick four icons that represent the movie. I hope that I didn’t give anything away in my little introduction, but below is my movie (hint hint) that I decided to reduce. Let the guessing begin!

One Story Four Icons

The icon pictures are courtesy of Icon Archive. They were in different colors, but I thought in order to unify them and make it look cleaner (and go with the mood of the movie) I should make it all gray scale. Each icon represents a super important theme or element to the movie that I picked! I really enjoyed this assignment, by the way! It was easy and fun to try and think of icons that could summarize, somewhat, a movie or story by just using pictures! Really neat!

(2 Princess stars!)

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