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“Anyone can be killed.” — ???1/2

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For this week’s assignments, I am focusing on design.

For my birthday on February 23rd, I received both seasons of Game of Thrones on Blue-ray/DVD. I can’t stop watching it. So my mind has been on Game of Thrones all week.

The moment I saw this assignment to make a minimalist movie/tv show poster I knew I had to do Game of Thrones.

I started by writing down a bunch of ideas for the poster. How can I represent an entire series with one symbol?

I thought about a crown or the throne of swords–but how overdone is that?

So I went with something that is poignant and representative.

Power resides where men believe it resides.

If you haven’t seen the series, you may not get the reference, but it’s a pivotal moment in the series.


The colors!

I wanted soft colors that weren’t too bright. So, I went to a palette site called Colour Lovers. Naturally, I searched, “Game of Thrones.” On the first page was this masterpiece:

Color by COLOURlovers

I knew I wanted something with grey for the sword, but also red for the blood. How perfect is this?!

Sword Clipart

Blood Drip Brushes for Photoshop

I found my blood drip brushes on Deviant Art. You can see and download them here.



The Font

Comfortaa on



Some final thoughts

I would write a tutorial for this if I didn’t have to switch between Photoshop and Corel PaintShop Pro to complete it. Photoshop, I learned, does not like to replace black and white colors. So while I needed to use Photoshop for just about everything else, I had to turn to PaintShop to use color replacer.

I absolutely loved making this poster, and I wish I could make a ton more for this class (if I had the time, I would do it for fun!).


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