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A Death Notebook β€” ???

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This was the quickest assignment I have ever done, but it was still some fun.

The assignment was to take a title of a well-known book and re-design the cover to suggest something entirely different.

I looked at the best-selling books on Amazon to get an idea. Then I figured, why not make something Nicholas Sparks has done into something really dark and not romantic?

So I took The Notebook.

I took the original cover from his website:


But there really wasn’t any point in saving any of it. So I positioned a picture of Light on top of the bottom image, then erased the top. Then I used Optimus Princeps font from dafont.comΒ to make the title cover text.

I then decided to do something with a similar name: Death Note.

This is what I came up with:

New Book

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