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As a surprise to you all, this is the one, and possibly only, post in which there will be no preface story. Shocker, I know. The reason is because this is an important post to me. Granted, it’s in response to one of the assignments from the Design Assignments Bank called Word, but I loved the idea behind it that I decided for once, you shall have the Princess merely narrating.

So, in this assignment, we had to pick a word and a singular typeface in order to represent that word. We weren’t allowed to use color or anything, but we were allowed to morph it a little if it further enhanced the word. I first was working with the word ‘Dream’ because I believe in dreams and how dreams should come true and yada yada yada. However, after quite literally, scrolling through every single font in Powerpoint where I created the word (because I knew I would be able to save my text as a picture), I scrolled until I landed on the font called Harrington. Looking at the word ‘dream’ in that font just seemed all wrong. Immediately, I knew I had to change it. The word I changed it to was Fantasy.

I live in a fantasy world when I’m not dealing with reality. Writing and reading are my ways of escaping this world and going onto another one, a fantastical one where anything can and does happen. Even with this blog, it is my chance to leave my otherwise standard and boring homework assignments and to create and write here. Y’all thought it was for you, but really, I do it because I love to. For that reason, the word Fantasy holds a lot of meaning not only to me, but to this blog as well. That being said, here is the final production of my word.

Fantasy Word

Hope you all are mesmerized by it as much as I am. It’s beautiful. Allow yourselves to disappear into the fantasy once in a while. You won’t regret it.

(2 Princess Stars!)

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