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Taking Back Spam- 1 Star

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I get a ton of email spam. And by a ton, I mean approximately 3-5 a day. I’m not exactly sure why I get so much spam (I rarely sign my email up for anything anymore) but I do. The one I read is a spam email I’ve gotten at least five times now. I know I’m not the only person getting it because a lot of other UMW students joke about getting it too. It kind of makes me mad because I think the university is selling our email addresses to third parties for profit. God Mary Wash, thanks.

Anyways, for this assignment,  I chose to read this in a professional manner as a joke because the email is clearly spam. I mean, it doesn’t even reach my main inbox anymore; even my UMW email knows it’s spam. That’s how obvious it is. But I decided to make it seem like a legitimate email.

I guess this is the only time spam email will be relatively useful. Hope you guys enjoyed my audio clip!

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