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Craigslist Commercial

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In creating a commercial for the Fifth Dimension’s radio broadcast, being that we chose a soundscape themed show using a variety of assignments from the audio assignment bank, I chose the Beat Craig’s List assignment. The purpose of this assignment is to choose a craiglist ad that is odd enough to engage you, and record it like a beat poem. The ad I chose is an advertisement for a spring cleaning landscaping/home repair business. The all caps font and excess of exclamation points is what drew me to this particular ad. Once again, I used Audacity to create and edit the audio. To find the proper audio for the commercial, I searched for a dark jazz clip, and found this, which I thought matched the overall Twilight Zone theme of the radio show. I recorded myself reading the ad, and to add to the mood of the commercial, I added some echo and amplification effects. Here is the file in Audacity:

:Screen Shot 2013-03-15 at 8.31.21 PM

Here is the final product:

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