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Leaving on a Jet Plane (Week 7 and 8)

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Ni hao, ds106er’s!

Hope ya’ll had a great spring break! Did you guys go anywhere exciting? I ended up staying in good ol’ Fredvegas, but I did get to relax in my bed and catch up on some sleep, so I’m as happy as a clam now. Too bad I’m craving summer more than ever right now and don’t want to do any homework.

Anyways, I’m glad I got three weeks to do my ds106 homework, especially since we had to turn in our ds106 radio show this weekend.  Here’s everything I did for the past few weeks:

Radio Show Stuff

This includes my radio bumper and commercial. This was a really tough assignment, but it was pretty fun too!

Foley Assignment

Oh, goodness gracious. I’m glad I’m not a Foley artist! Those guys probably practice soo much, because I had to do like 5-6 takes for a single 30 second clip.

5 Stars Worth of Audio Assignments

So, instead of doing a ton of activities, I tried to challenge myself by doing one assignment that was worth a ton of stars. Here are the ones I did for my five stars this week:

Taking Back Spam- 1 Star

This was pretty simple since I get a ton of email spam. Listen and let me know what you think!

The One-Man Play- 4 Stars

Yeah, this was the big assignment I chose to do. I’m not going to lie, it was extremely awkward to record. I have stage fright, so I was never really into Theatre classes and stuff. So reading plays out loud was terrifying for me, even though I knew you couldn’t technically see me. But, I knew I wanted to challenge myself in some way, so don’t judge me too hard!

6 Daily Creates

This week, we had to do 6 daily creates. I decided to do a ton of them during spring break, since I was visiting my parents in Northern Virginia for a few days during the break and was bored while they were at work/I wasn’t working on stuff for my internship in D.C.

Reflection of Weeks

Okay, so I kind of change my mind about audio. I actually really like audio now. I think it’s because at first I wasn’t really used to listening to my own voice, and also because I wasn’t used to using Audacity. But now I find my voice somewhat decent (I still think I sound like a five year old… but I have accepted that fact now) and since I’ve played around with Audacity so much for the radio show assignment, I find it easier to use. Now, I don’t think I would mind so much having more audio assignments! I kind of want to find an audio assignment that involves editing my voice digitally, like auto-tuning myself (Lil Wayne, anyone?)

Anyways, although there was a lot to do, I’m glad I decided to spread it all out so I wasn’t panicking to turn it in on time. Did you guys use your time wisely too? Or did you end up procrastinating too? I wonder what we’ll be doing next week? Hope it involves using Audacity some more! But regardless of what we have to do for ds106, hope you guys all have a great week!

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