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Charles’ DMV Adventure

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While Charles has just recently discovered the Internet, he is quickly becoming hooked on DS106. To show his dedication to the course, he has decided to have his license plate changed to say, “DS 106″. In order to do this, Charles needed to make a trip to the dreaded DMV.  Here he is anxiously waiting in line at the DMV:

Charles, Anxiously Awaiting His New DS106 License Plate

(Source: *)

After 3 hours of waiting, Charles finally received his new license plate. He was ecstatic with the result!

Charles Wants The World to Know His Love For DS106 With This DS106Plate

(Source: **)

With a huge grin on his face, Charles drove his newly decorated vehicle home. Exhausted from the long day at the DMV, but in the mood to celebrate, he picked up a six pack of beer on his way home. By the end of this night, Charles was feeling a bit drunk and adventurous, so he took a picture of his newest creation!

After A Long Day At The DMV, Charles Enjoyed a 6 Pack To Himself

(Source: ***)


* This picture was drawn for this Daily Create Assignment, which was to draw a picture of how waiting for someone makes you feel.

** This picture was taken for this Daily Create Assignment, which was to create a photo of a license plate that makes you look twice.

*** This picture was taken for this Daily Create Assignment, which was to craft something out of ordinary materials and then take a photo of you with it.

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