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Week in Review | The Web We Weave

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Once again, this week was chock full of things I had never done before.

Heck I didn’t even know some of it COULD be done!

But I wasn’t scared, I was looking forward to a fresh week of challenging, fun assignments.  It all came together nicely.


Storytelling Within the Web

Ok, who thought of  <HACKASAURUS> ?

An evil genius I tell you!

This was one of those things I’d never heard of, but thought was pretty cool.  I guess I knew there are people out there that can actually hack a site and bring it down, change its message and do a ton of other things.  But I got to dabble in it!

I chose to <HACKASAURUS> one of the category pages of Etsy.

Etsy is filled with oodles of handmade and vintage goods, as well as a sprinkling of weird stuff and garbage.  I changes the category page ART, into Art Only a Mother Could Love.

Check it out here

i heartetsy



Web Assignments

Complete another 5 stars worth of Web Assignments (other than the storytelling within the web one). If you do not like these assignments, this could be a good time to create your own assignment or write a tutorial.

I made a tutorial!

Okay, so I have made some in the past, BUT!  Not for a digital media.  I hope the tutorial is clear and concise.  I tried to thoroughly explain the concept and steps, but sometimes I wonder if they are accessible and helpful for other folks.

Doing this tutorial was pretty time consuming.  I’m giving it 7 stars.

–I needed to figure out what I was going to tut.  Thank goodness I remembered an earlier suggestion.

–I had to do the project that would end up in the tut.

–I took screen shots between each step

–I  figured out how to “narrate” the tut.

–I edited the screenshot.

–I blogged it.

So, while it was a lot of work it was really satisfying.  Maybe someday my tutorial will help another ds106′er or someone else.

Here is one of my screenshots

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge


Pretty, Portly, and Perfect the way I am.

mermaid peek

If you haven’t met her already, this is a sneak peek at Plump Mermaid.

Plump Mermaid is quite the talker!  She spent time discussing the beach (really? a mermaid talking about the beach?), make-up, finball (we call it football ’round these parts), movies, travel,  and late night snacks!

You can find Plump Mermaid on Twitter   She is looking for Followers!

At first I was really freaked out by this section of the week.  How was I going to pretend to be someone else?  I live my life with as much authenticity as possible, this was outside my wheelhouse for.sure.

Then it was fun.  I got to be a bit ditzy, silly and really light-hearted during the posting.


This week my Daily Creates became a one sentence story.

I’m gonna be totally honest with you, this weeks daily creates did not excite, entice, or inspire me.  Boo.  Once again I hit the archives, and did a few random ones to round the week out.  I’m looking forward to next week’s new awesome! Daily Creates.


I dropped 5 things in the dropbox.  One of them was the wrong file, something that had been used already, but I just kept up loading 4 more.

I decided to drop all audio, LORD KNOWS I HAVE A LOT OF CRAPPY AUDIO.

My files were:

girl says awesome stuff.mp3

girl talking about exboyfriend.mp3



Quote about great culinarians.mp3

**Can’t wait to see what this is all about.**




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