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What They Might Have Done in Social Media- 3 Stars

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While browsing through the web assignments list, this one definitely grabbed my attention. It’s probably because one, I’m taking a course called “Social Media” this semester, and two, I have a social media internship right now. So yeah, I definitely felt obligated to do this.

First, you have to go on this site, which creates fake Facebook pages for whomever you choose. I decided to do something funny, so I chose Kim Jong Un, the dictator of North Korea. I think he popped into my head first because I recently just read an article about Dennis Rodman’s visit to North Korea. Anyways, I tried to make it as funny as possible. Here’s the FB profile I made for Kim Jong Un:

Screen shot 2013-03-24 at 1.24.23 AM


Along with a FB page, we also had to make a fake tweet that our person would actually make using this site. I was inspired by this American Dad scene for my tweet for Kim Jong Un:

I used the quote that funny asian guy says, added in the date for that failed missile launch last year, and BAM! All done! Haha, so here’s the tweet I made:

Screen shot 2013-03-24 at 1.29.45 AM


I hope you guys had a good laugh! Let me know what you guys think!

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