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There came a week where the Fandom Princess returned to her home castle to celebrate a decorated holiday. Adorned in pastel dresses, the Princess and her younger sister were granted new crowns this same week each year. The holiday was called Easter, and the Princess loved to, as soon as the three-day horse carriage ride was over, run straight into her royal chambers and eatĀ delectableĀ cakes and desserts that her mother’s handmaids had laid out.

This week was nice because we only had to do two daily creates! Not that they’re not fun to do, but in addition to the amount of creative things we do normally, it was a very niceĀ reprieve! So, below I have embed the daily creates that I was able to do.

So, one of the daily creates was to act out a scene from a movie using puppets. While I didn’t have any puppets, I thought that this video that my sister and I did, singing along to a song from A Goofy Movie would be a little more entertaining. The song is called ‘Eye to Eye’ and is one of the most fun parts of the movie. Check out the real version here.

The other daily create that I decided to do was the one where we had to draw a picture of the best present that we have ever received. While it is hard to think of the absolute best present that I’ve ever received, this one qualifies as one of my all time favorites. It is a Disneystrology book, in which there are 365 characters. Based on your birthday, the book tells you which Disney character you are, and goes into details about your traits and personalities! Cool, right? I, ironically and perfectly, am Wendy Darling. This fits me perfectly since Peter Pan is actually my favorite Disney movie, and I LOVE Wendy! Anyway, the horrible picture I drew of the book is below:

Super Awesome Christmas Present

Hope y’all enjoyed!

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