Only doing two daily creates this week? Best week ever!!
Well, looking back I just was unmotivated by this week’s daily creates.
Picking my favorite gift that I have given or received was pretty hard since I am really bad at picking favorites. The Easter Bunny got me a beach badge for this summer which is really great but I think the gift that stands out the most to me was given to me on my 16th birthday. My grandparents got a ring for me which is called the Claddagh ring which represents our Irish culture. All of my sisters were given a ring for their 16th birthday and I wear mine every single day. I am always proud to have it on my finger, I even play my beach volleyball tournaments wearing it. So while this picture may look very bumpy, this ring is molded to my finger and is in fact extremely bumpy. I created this using paint and just free handed everything. Here it is.
Up next on the agenda is to share and tell the story behind a joke. My roommate decided to have a special appearance in this YouTube upload, check it out!
Thanks for reading!
Princess Karissa
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