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Who Run’s Week 5? GIRLS

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So you wanna become a Superhero? Follow these instructions:

1. Shave off all your hair, head facial hair body hair. (Only because its easy to become someone else) A MASTER OF DISGUISE DUH.

2. Make sure you have a bad ass costume. If your a chick wear something revealing to distract your enemies if your a dude make sure you have buff muscles if not then you should hit the gym.

3. Know your enemies kryptonite! Don’t get caught in a sticky situation

4. Take some Judo, Karate, self-defense classes.. PLEASE. Do you know how embarrassing it is to be a superhero and not knowing how to fight.

5. Save cats from trees! Who doesn’t love a friendly neighborhood superhero! Use your community as an advantage.

6. Make sure you have a wicked vehicle. Don’t get caught riding your bike! (It makes it easier for enemies to catch you)

7. Fight crime on a constant basis! & you will be the BEST Superhoe. I mean Superhero =]








Urban Life-

During Spring Break me and my family decided to take a nice weekend trip to Philadelphia. Their is uptown and downtown Philly and the diffreences are clearly distinguishing  We had to travel through downtown to get uptown and let me tell you, it was real. Every corner had a homeless person standing there with a sign asking for money. On certain blocks houses were boarded up and police lurked every corner in Camden. It was pretty frightening to witness how bad our country is suffering but on a brighter note, we went uptown and paraded down streets that I don’t remember the names of. We ate cheesesteaks at “Ishkabibbles” the place had a bunch of autographed pictures from previous performers who had shows across the street. When we left we ran into a magician and he showed us some free magic tricks. Overall it was a great experience. I love Philly.






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