The next assignment I chose to tackle was the movies by numbers assignment, which required that you create a video that, “represents a single number in an artful way.” I scanned through some of the previous works done and did not see any on the number three, so I went with that. My goal for the assignment was to not explicitly tell the viewer what the reference to the number three was, but rather for them to figure it out on their own. I thought that would make the video a bit more interactive, rather than just simply showing the viewer exactly why each image represents the number three. Some of the references include Three’s Company, Three Billy Goats Gruff, and a “Three hour tour”.
To bring this assignment to life I used Google Image searches to find all the photos used, and again used iMovie compile them all. To go along with the theme of three, the audio I chose for the clip was “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley.
I really enjoyed coming up with clever references to the number three, and although it took a long time, I am proud of the result.
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