This was the biggest pain in the ass to date. We had to do this remaking of this Charlie Chaplin scene here.
Then we had to go back and reuse the sound we made for it in the beginning by removing the original sound and clipping it to the video. This was annoyiing because none of the sound matched up and some was louder and others were quieter and others had people laughing in the background the whole time they were recording the stupid clips. Then we had to remake the story into something new. The annoying part was that you couldn’t get the clips of sound to stick with the video in iMovie after you had everything in place so I had to load it onto youtube, then redownload it another time after I had already done it so I could have attached sound. Here’s my first upload of the damn thing.
So then I tried to reimagine the video and make him just walk in on his own free will. But this turned out to be very hard. It was in no way easy and I don’t think it turned out nearly as well as anything else I did this week. Another reason I don’t like it. I’m frustrated that I have to even post it. But here it is.
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