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  1. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Weekly Summary 15

    Looking back over this semester, I don’t really know what to think.  I still view storytelling as a process that can be told in many different ways and can tell many different things.  It really is surprising the amount of ...
  2. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Luigi Trips Balls

    I don’t think this was actually an assignment listed–might have been, might not.  Anyway, I took a couple videos off of youtube that involved Mario and Luigi and Peach, kept the music playing from the festival, mixed all the stuff ...
  3. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Walking to the Party

    For this part of the assignment, Mario, Luigi, and Peach are walking into the festival in Peach’s Castle.  I did everything in Audacity, blending a bunch of sounds together.  Here’s my workspace. I got all my sound effects from this ...
  4. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Buying Tickets

    by This was part of my story where Mario and Luigi buy the tickets for the festival.  I edited everything in X-Ray goggles or whatever that web editor was called.  The original assignment was to tell a story within the ...
  5. Cole's DS106 Blog

    The Festival

    I made a moving poster for the festival mario and luigi are going to.  Not really the original assignment, but it works the same.  For this, I took a bunch of things to get it all together.  First, I downloaded ...
  6. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Running Around

    This part of my final project is the mario and luigi running to the festival in a GIF form.  I made it using the gif animator program I have.  The clip was loaded off of Youtube and then I cut ...
  7. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Weekly Summary 13 & 14 REMIX

    Long weeks.  Lots of other work.  Finally done with this stuff. Here’s me talking about remixes with my roommate, who also has taken this class. Here’s the popcorn assignment that was a total pain. Recycled Media Project.  Fun, but tough ...
  8. Cole's DS106 Blog


    So this weeks tasks are remixing.  But what exactly is a remix? In short form, a remix can be anything and everything.  According to Remix Manifesto and Everything is a Remix, literally everything invented in a Modern Era has been ...
  9. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Burger King!

    I can honeslty say this was my least favorite thing I’ve had to do all semester because it relied entirely on an online editor that happened to break down and only work in parts the entire time I worked on ...
  10. Cole's DS106 Blog

    The Baby’s Revenge

    A woman walks down aisle seven in the grocery store.  She scans the items on the shelves, looking for a bottle of Gerber peas for her new baby boy.  She finds them, goes home, and prepares them for little Joey ...
  11. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Another King

    So for one of this weeks assignments, we had to remix a photo from a designated list and make a story for it.  I had a good time doing it and did all my work in Gimp.  I originally made ...
  12. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Weekly Summary 11-12

    This week was a mixture of emotions.  It started off really fun, and then was indifferent, and now it’s a pain in my ass.  I did some things that I wanted to do, trashed some plans, made new ones, trashed ...
  13. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Delicious Peas****.5

    So for this assignment, we were supposed to make a documentary on something that lasted 30 seconds. The idea was to cram something that provided knowledge about something to other people into a short amount of time.  The process made ...
  14. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Do The Hitchcock****

    So for this assignment, we had to show how changing a simple cut of a video could change the view of a character’s values, beliefs, etc.  The idea came from this Albert Hitchcock video where he changed the middle clip ...
  15. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Wise Old Men***

    This was a nice startup assignment to get me going for the week.  I got to experiment with iMovie a bit more and figure out things like transitions and credits and such.  I did lots of different things for this.  ...
  16. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Planning Ahead

    So I started planning all the stuff that I’ll be doing next week for video assignments.  The first assignment I chose was 1 Archetype, 5 Movies which just looks like fun.  I always like looking in books at all the ...
  17. Cole's DS106 Blog

    How to Videos

    I think that How to videos are a youtube exclusive thing (aside from gaming guides).  For example, I learned how to tie a bowtie on youtube. There are many other examples of this concept, from how to get a six ...
  18. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Scene Analysis

    So I’ve taken a class on movie analysis (Intro to Film Studies), so I’ve done this before.  I ended up choosing the scene in The Dark Knight where Batman interrogates the Joker.  I was torn between that and the opening ...
  19. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Weekly Summary 9

    This week sucked.  I got a concussion early in the week so I haven’t had much brain power (still don’t) and I ended up doing all of this today (been working since 8 and its 11 now).  I got everything ...
  20. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Daily Creates

    I was a little confused about this weeks daily creates and what to do with them.  The first was to get a picture of a lisence plate that caught your eye. Then there was the one about convincing someone that ...
  21. Cole's DS106 Blog

    Hidden Stories**

    So for this assignment, we had to put a random story in the middle of a webpage.  I inserted part of “The Happy Prince” by Oscar Wilde into a Wikipedia article on Kim Jong-Il.  Honestly, I don’t think there is ...

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