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Lip Synch Your Favorite Song

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For my fourth video assignment this week I did lip synch your favorite song which was worth two stars. The rules for this assignment were to pick a verse of a song and do a lip synch for it.

As soon as I saw this assignment I was quite excited for it.  I sing along to songs in my car like a crazy and me and my sisters have been know to make up hand motions to a couple too many songs.  I got help from my friend Mia on this assignment.  I had some serious computer issues this week so she let me record some stuff on her computer and since she was here she decided to go ahead and be in my video as well.

We picked the song We are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift to do our lip synch too.  We are both kind of obsessed with Taylor (which I am sure you can tell I am if you watch any of my videos this week) so this was an easy choice for us.

To make this video we simply played the song while we recorded ourselves lip synching along in iMovie.  Weirdly enough we didn’t really feel all that silly doing it and had a fun time making ourselves look crazy.  I had to cut the beginning and end of our videos to make it so that only the song was apart of the video.  We had a good amount of giggling before and after in the originally copy.

Here is our lip synch.  Enjoy!

Eleven stars down and five to go!

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