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New TDC Challenges

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Tell a story using only numbers at the top of your keyboard and the line below it (q,w,e,r,t,y,u,i,o,p).

So, throughout the course of the semester I chose to do a lot of the writing TDC because to me it’s the easiest way to tell a story (probably because it’s the main way I feel most college students communicate their thoughts).  I remembered one from earlier in the year where we had to tell a story but eliminate a certain vowel, so I tried to build off that and use only a specific group of letters as well as numbers.  Good luck!

Take a picture of the oldest thing you own, and the newest thing you own.

I also noticed that during the year, we had a lot of comparisons/contrasts in taking pictures (I think we had something similar to this where we took a picture of something “shiny”) so I decided why not compare something you’ve owned for a while to something more recently bought, whether it’s clothes, technology, or whatever.

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