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Don’t Even Breathe On It

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For this assignment, we had to redub over some voices from a show, movie scene, etc. and I chose Spongebob.  I don’t know why, I hated Spongebob as a kid and still don’t like him.  I guess I just thought it would be easy.  I played the part of Mr Crabs or just the voice.

As for putting everything together, I found the video on YouTube and downloaded it using iLivid.  I worked on everything in iMovie and separated the clips of spongebob and Mr Krabs talking using the clip cutter.  I found that was the most useful tool and then lowered the volume on each section of Mr Krabs speaking.  Then I listened to each side of SPongebob and filled in the blanks on the area in between.  Here’s a screenshot of my workspace.

Screen Shot 2013-04-28 at 7.14.19 PM

And the Original Video

And the Final Video

The scene really just talks about another one of Mr Krabs’ crazy schemes but this time it’s not to make money, it is to create the ultimate punishment for Spongebob breathing on Mr Krabs’ car.

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