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Poor Leo – ????

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Leonardo DiCaprio has been in over 20 hugely successful films, and yet he has no Oscar to show for it.

I figured the best way to show my love for his work and to do my assignments was to work on the Actor Transformation mashup.

He’s an amazing actor, and through this video, you can really see it. I mashed up  12 clips from his Oscar-worthy movies. You can see from his first huge success, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? (1993), that Leo has incredible skills. The video shows the growth of him as both an actor and a person.

The movies and their respective clips:

1. What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) — Clip

2. Romeo + Juliet (1996) — Clip

3. Titanic (1997) — Clip

4. The Beach (2000) — Clip

5. The Gangs of New York (2002) — Clip

6. Catch Me If You Can (2002) — Clip

7. The Aviator (2004) — Clip

8. Blood Diamond (2006) — Clip

9. Inception (2010) — Clip

10. J. Edgar (2011) – Clip

11. Django: Unchained (2012) — Clip

12. The Great Gatsby (2013) — Clip

I threw the last one in there because I just know he’ll be great in it.

How I did it

Wowza did I have a lot of problems with this assignment!

Thankfully, all of the YouTube clips were easily downloaded using PwnYouTube. It’s when I got to MPEG Streamclip that things went downhill.

I have been using MPEG Streamclip for awhile now, but for some reason, the program would not open any of my YouTube downloads.

This was incredibly frustrating so I went to Adobe Premiere to just trim them up in that program. Then that crashed on me every time I tried to open a file. Lacking time this week because of some upcoming presentations and finals, I just decided to use Windows Movie Maker.

It’s not as clean as I normally would like it because Movie Maker just doesn’t have the same options as Premiere. But I made do.

I also have a feeling that I’ll be flagged on YouTube for copyright issues on this one, but I plan to explore my feelings about this much more in my weekly summary.


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