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Week In Review | Would I Do It Again?

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Getting My .GIF On | Part 2


Heck yes I would.

This semester was a great test in creativity, time management, and listening to myself.  Am I exhausted?  Yes.  Did I fail in some aspects? Yes.  Did I succeed in others? Resoundingly, YES.

I learned so many things I probably wouldn’t have ever tried on my own.  I was stretched in ways I didn’t know my brain could go.  I learned to let the story tell itself through me.


After all of this I stand firmly behind my original idea of what storytelling is.

Storytelling is sharing, remembering, imagining, and loving.  Storytelling is a way to remember, dream, understand, and give of oneself.  Storytelling can be joyous, upsetting, hard to do, magical, and at times necessary.

I believe this to be true even MORE now.


narwhal story maya angelou


My final story idea submission was NOT where my heart and head were when it really came down to it.  I decided to make a change.

A big one.

I think where my head has been lead to the tear inducing story.  There have been many seemingly insurmountable challenges the past month or so in my real life.  Couple that with the general condition of current events and I chose to enter a darker place than usual.

But, like anything I didn’t want the reader/viewer to leave feeling crappy.  I wanted them to leave FEELING.

Feeling life!  Loss, joy, sadness, contentedness, frustration, and happiness.

Hopefully I was able to communicate an intimate experience with the narrator who has lost someone, over come something, come out alive, is stronger, and more confident.

I hope that this story resonates with someone, even just ONE someone.  If it does, then I have succeeded.


lens portrait


My participation in the ds106 community was EH- at best.  Started out really enthusiastically, but that died somewhere during the radio week.  hmmmmm  I can’t quite pinpoint when…. wink* wink*

I’ll tell you this though, lurking on the twitter ds106 hashtag I was able to keep up on what some folks were doing.  This was interesting even if I didn’t make much contact with anyone in particular except @cogdog.

I was a bit dismayed by most of the comments received from classmates.  Some of the comments were good, genuine, and had some thought behind them, most were perfunctory.  I’m not sure what I was expecting, so…whatever.


I submitted 2 Assignments

Hangin with Hockney

Looking at Yourself


I did two Tutorials

Cartoon You

Clipping Mask Action


I KNOW I SUBMITTED IDEAS TO THE DAILY CREATE BUT I CAN’T FIND THEM  AHHHHHHH!  Hopefully some ds106 gods will be able to find my submissions in the repository.  Boo.


My Best Work Category includes 9 of my favorite pieces.  The common thread?  Me.  I put the most of ME into each of my choices.  The more I give, the better the product.


6 word story



My 2 cents for future ds106′ers!





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