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A Year in CT101

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So I am finally at the end of the road. It has been a semester full of creativity and good times. While I won’t lie and say its been an easy ride, I will say that I had a load of fun. From finally learning photoshop to filming videos in class, CT has challenged me in a way no other class has really done. Rather then trying to improve my skills as a writer or trying to remember material for future reference, CT required me to take what I learned and apply it to my own favorite things. Never had I felt such individuality in a class. There’s something to be said about that. Being able to go to someone’s blog and knowing who it belongs to solely based on the layout of their site.

Of all of the things we did, I have to say the most fun I had was with the Daily Creates. All of the Daily creates were fun. They kept you doing something that felt out of the ordinary and productive all at once. The variety was also a plus. One minute I would be writing a poem, the next i’m taking a taking a photo and telling a story. It’s one of those things I wish I had the time to keep doing.

But that’s not to say I had fun with everything. My biggest gripe of course being the use of software. When we would learn things in class using programs that we were not familiar with or didn’t own, sometimes we had to apply it to another free version or alternative of the same program and it would be a pain in the butt. Perfect example of this was Photoshop. It was fine when I had Photoshop for that first month. But when that free trial was up and I had to switch to something new and learn that, it was time consuming. Another example was going from iMovie to Windows Movie Maker. I eventually became more efficient with WMM with time, but it was pretty inconvenient at first.

Speaking of Windows Movie Maker, that’s what I ended up using for my Final Project. My Final project by the way way a continuation of the video assignment I did a while back. I had made a Supercut a while back, but Prof Smith actually told me it wasn’t cut together well enough. Well that video never actually got to see the light of day until now. I cleaned it up, added and intro and outro and added Europe’s “The Final Countdown” because it just felt right (I’m really excited for the new season of Arrested Development guys, aren’t you?). Then I wrote a quick companion piece because I like to write and why the hell not. Hoping you all enjoyed it as much as I did creating it.

Overall though, CT101 was a great time. I met great people, learned a few things that I actually didn’t know beforehand and got to flex my creativity muscle. So yeah, another one is in the bag. Thanks to everyone in my class and to Prof Smith and Prof Smolarski. Until next semester my friends! Have a great summer!

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