Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92924 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
So I am finally at the end of the road. It has been a semester full of creativity and good times. While I won’t lie and say its been an easy ride, I will say that I had a load … Continue reading →
What the hell is it with everyone wanting to destroy New York? What the beans dude? I freaking live there guys! Like why can’t you go destroy Kansas (which is literally a square) or some place where it doesn’t matter and most … Continue reading →
This video features one of my favorite scenes in the Austin Powers trilogy. The minute I saw “gruesome death,” my mind quickly ran across that Nicolas Cage look alike who just couldn’t quite grasp the concept of navigating three dimensions. And adding a … Continue reading →
This video features the archetype of New York City being destroyed. Over the years, I’ve watched my home city get demolished by lizards, crushed by apes, rained on by water and celestial bodies, terrorized by Marshmallow men, used as targeting practice by aliens … Continue reading →
Life (Sort of) As it Flashes Before My Eyes, a photo by theloniusly on Flickr. A brief text based drawing of what I would see in general. I’m really bad at images so I figured this little graphic would get … Continue reading →
Airplanes, a photo by theloniusly on Flickr. I know it said daydream window, but if I had to be totally honest, nothing makes me daydream more than looking out an airplane window. It’s beautiful. You get to see things in … Continue reading →
This before and after assignment originates from a two gif post (featuring popular Harlem Shake craze sweeping the internet) from my tumblr. I simply took a snapshot of each gif and put them side by side using Photoshop. It … Continue reading →
I created this image using photoshop and following a brief tutorial I found online. Credit goes to the legendary Alex Ross for this image. I love his art because he makes things look important. If you’re not familiar with his … Continue reading →
Oh bookbag
holder of everything close to me
the important
the garbage
the secrets
all inside of one metal and cloth container
so under appreciated for every
well today
that will change
Blanket Bros, a photo by theloniusly on Flickr.
A picture of my friends and I cramped in one bed. By the end of the night two of us were sleeping on the floor.
For my graphic gift, I decided to use and old image of a Gameboy Color ad and insert an image of the Great Bill Cosby. The following are the two original images. I basically cut out the gameboy … Continue reading →
So what got done in CT101 this week you ask? Quite a lot actually! First I need to address the awesomeness that was the following…. As a huge Parks and Rec fan and as a Marvel fan (still can’t … Continue reading →
I made this gif of Superman from the Man of Steel trailer released just this past winter. It pretty much encapsulates what I love about the new direction this movie is taking with the legendary Superman. I made the gif … Continue reading →
Hey guys! This is an old Daily Create that I wanted to post. The reason why? Because I just figured out how to do this! TADA! Inserting Soundcloud stuff into my posts! This would be Daily Create 396 and you … Continue reading →
Hey guys, just wanted to give you a quick heads up that my latest daily create was uploaded to my soundcloud. The challenge was: “Record four sounds related to/resultant from any one daily activity. No words.” And that’s what I … Continue reading →
Key-Lime Dream, a photo by theloniusly on Flickr. One of many favorite desserts. I actually made two with my Grandpa over the week for a friend that was coming from upstate. And as you can see, they don’t last very … Continue reading →
School as a Whole., a photo by theloniusly on Flickr. Sure it’s a cop out but still. I graduated academically satisfied. I was editor of my paper, I was in drama club and performed in the city, I won a … Continue reading →
I recently watched and read both a video presentation and a short essay by father of the DS106, Gardner Campbell, and I must say that he hit many topics right on the nail that I would agree with. First off, … Continue reading →
So after two random posts, I guess this is the part where I introduce myself. My name is Trone and this here blog is a domain all my own. I’m a Journalism major/Communication Technology minor at York College CUNY in … Continue reading →
Old Guitar, a photo by theloniusly on Flickr. TDC 391: A picture of something broken. Literally or figuratively. This guitar goes back several generations in my family. My great grandfather actually made it. Taking it to a shop and fixing it … Continue reading →
Cyclops Coordinates., a photo by theloniusly on Flickr. TDC 389: Take/make a photo that represents math at work in the world. This daily create caught my attention because I love showing off my Cyclops pixel art bed thingy. What do … Continue reading →