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Midnight Stamp

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Since I have the luxury of Netflix at my disposal it’s very easy, and enjoyable, for me to watch all of The Twilight Zone episodes.  Today I watched “Time Enough At Last” as well as “The Midnight Sun.”  I didn’t watch “The Eye of the Beholder,” because I’ve already seen it (it was actually the first Twilight Zone episode I ever saw.)

This week as part of our design assignments for DS106 we are required to do fifteen stars, eight of which must be based on our Twilight Zone experiences.  I decided to start with the “DS106 goes Postal” assignment because it seemed manageable and fun.  However it was a little bit more difficult than I originally thought – but what I learned will definitely be helpful in the long run.

I originally tried this on photoshop but it turned out to be far less frustrating to use gimp which, once I figured it out, was really easy and fun. I know it’s probably a no-brainer for experienced DS106ers out there, but I definitely had some trouble at first and I am considering making it a tutorial for beginners like me.  So anyways here’s what I ended up with:

Midnight Sun stamper

The way I did it was I googled ‘blank stamp,’ then ‘The Midnight Sun Twilight Zone’, saved each image to my desktop and then opened them with gimp.  I used the crop tool on the image of the woman then pasted it on to the image of the stamp then using the scale tool clicked and dragged til it fit neatly inside of the stamp image. I used the spray paint tool to fill the edges of the stamp image, which were originally white.  After I did that I exported the file as a .png to my desktop then opened up the image on where I added the amount “3.10,” to signify season 3 episode 10, and the text which, appropriately, appears to be melting.

It’s not visually perfect, but I was proud of my work!

Difficulty: 2 stars

View the Original Assignment Here

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