You are tired. Worn out. Your creativity tank is running on empty. You have too much email to read. All you want to do is Vine. You have found other things more interesting things to do than ds106.
Too bad.
For the next two weeks, the Headless ds106 winds into its last topic – a two week segment on Remix and Mashup. For this, I offer a Triple Dog Dare to do some remixes in this span:
Originally I thought of using the famous frozen flag pole scene from A Christmas Story. But a found an even more horrible trailer for a movie called Triple Dare.
I just did some sloppy redubs in iMovie (using the pitch change audio effect since I suck at imitating teen girl voices) and dropped in some cutaway edits to screen shots.
To summarize, for the next two weeks, I dare you to:
- Do at least 6 stars of mashup assignments from the ds106 Assignment Bank
- Remix a photo of Cory Doctorow
- Do at least one Remixed ds106 Assignment
If you don’t? Well you just might have to shave your hair.
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