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GMU Week 3: Visual Storytelling; What Can We Tell in Photos?

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Photo by Jennifer, UMW ds106 student, Spring 2013, see

Photo by Jennifer, UMW ds106 student, Spring 2013

There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.Ansel Adams

The photo and quote above is from a previous ds106 student’s perspective on photography. For this week of DS106 Goes to Work, you will practice telling stories in visual form, mostly centered on photography. A goal is to have you thinking more about story when you use a camera or look at images.

You may go from someone who takes a lot of snapshots or quick mobile photos to one who thinks more about composition, framing, and being more intentional with your photography. Even if you are an accomplished photographer, you can always get better by trying new approaches. And we find that people doing this work come away noticing the world around them in new ways, in more detail. They notice texture, shadows, angles they may have never paid attention to before.


Pay attention to the visual representations of words in this video, and how they flow from one idea to the next. It is a clever representation of words in visual form.

WORDS from Everynone on Vimeo.

Watch also and listen to how the director of photography for National Geographic shows us the connective power of images and stories

Principles of Visual Composition
What Can One Photo Communicate?
Wordpress Tips For Posting with Images
How to Become a Better Photographer
Photoblitzing Safari
Five Card Flickr Stories
Visual Assignments
See Them: Storified and Non Storified Content
Weekly Summary Checklist

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