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Audio Reflection

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Audio is a huge part of films and videos. It is used to set the tone, mood, and setting. It shows the feelings of characters and the surrounding environment. Sound has been an essential component of the videos we have watched. It drives the stories because it goes along with the actions happening and foreshadows the next scene or action. Audio also gives the characters and scenes a more intense impact on the viewer. It creates an atmosphere because it gives a better insight to what is going on in the story. The characters speaking can also give you insight, but audio adds another element that allows you to pick up on the mood and feelings of the scene. The Touch of Evil videos displayed how audio can change the mood of the exact same scene. The first video was more upbeat and happy, while the second one sounded more on edge and suspicious. Even though the scenes were identical, you could more easily foreshadow the car blowing up in the second one because the tone of the music suggested an unfortunate even was going to occur.


Tom and Jerry is a good example of how audio develops a story because the entire story is told by picture and audio without any dialogue. Each action has its own narrative audio such as the light music that is played when Tom is sneaking around.

This video shows how audio complements the plot of the story. It shows the different emotions of the characters such as sad music when the Sneetches were upset because they didn’t have stars, or upbeat, mischievous music when the Fix It Up Chappy was introducing his star on and star off machines.

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