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The Vignelli Cannon

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The Vignelli Cannon:

The Article was very interesting and gave me new information about design that I had no idea about, I have never been a creative person, or a person that is good at design or any artsy stuff, Vignelli talks about the three different aspects of design that are important to him. The three aspects are Semantic, Syntactic and Pragmatic, these are part of the intangibles and part 1 of his article, there are many other intangibles, but to him these are the most important three. And I tend to agree with him, semantics means to find the meaning of whatever we are trying to create, what we are trying to portray. Syntactic is the overall structure or design of the work, and Pragmatic is our design bringing across what we want it to, is it understood. I agree that these are the most important intangibles in design.

Part II talks about the tangibles that are included in design like the texture of our design, the sequence and the color, these are all parts of our design that we can control and change if we don’t feel comfortable with what we have. I learned about the different kinds of binding that can be used for a design.

The Vignelli Cannon report has so much new information that is was all hard to process, but all the new info will help me in future assignments, or just with general knowledge of design.

I love the following end statement from Vignelli:

“As much as I love things in flux, I love them

within a frame of reference – a consistent

reassurance that at least and at last I am the one

responsible for every detail.” (Vignelli)

It’s a cool statement, because it is true, the artists or creator is responsible for every detail and what they are trying to portray to the viewer.

This was a good read:)

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