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Weekly Summary Week 2

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Daily Creates:

Design Assignments:


Animated GIF Assignments:

Photo Blitz Assignment:

The Vignelli Cannon Assignment:



Reflection Questions:

  • How well do you feel you completed the requirements of the week’s assignments? I felt more comfortable with this weeks assignments, some of the design work was challenging but with research and the correct tools it was easier, I also had some trouble with the GIF assignments but when I finally figured out how to do them I was smacking myself because it really was not that difficult. I learned many new things about design from the Vignelli Cannon report, it was a lot to read, but it was worth it.
  • The Design Assignments were fun, I was able to be creative and use some cool apps and websites to create my designs. I definitely felt more comfortable with all the assignments then last week, I used my time more wisely which was a big part of feeling more comfortable, I was able to put in all the links on my posts, which I couldn’t figure out last week. So my weekly review should be easier to navigate now.
  • My favorite part of the week was the Logo design that I created for Ds106. And also all the other design assignments that I did. The most challenging part was creating the GIF’S but that was just because I couldn’t figure out how to do it, once it became clear to me, it became easier.


What would you do differently? What questions to you have?

I currently have no questions, just getting more used to design, and the different aspects that go along with design. I am enjoying learning new information and tricks that I didn’t know before.












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