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Frozen Eagle Bridge

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Color Changer


When creating this image my initial goal was to try and make the Eagle Bridge look more like a castle. I had hoped that tweaking the colors (making the photo more gray), however it wasn’t turning out very well so I decided to look for a color combination that was pleasing to the eyes. I really like how the roof of the building in the top right of the photo turned out. It looks almost like some sort of abstract painting in my opinion. I think the blue kind of makes the building seem as if it was frozen, or perhaps even made out of a block of solid ice. I really like how it looks!

My basic process for this photo was to import it into Photoshop and then to play around with the colors until I liked the result. It didn’t take too long, but longer than I anticipated, because a lot of the colors that kept popping out looked really dreadful in my opinion.

This assignment was: \star \star

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